Research for Peace & Development
ARInt. September-December 2022 issue: Call for Papers
Last date to submit papers for ARInt. March 2021 issue: 10/09/2022
ARInt. September-December 2022 will be online on December 15, 2022
IJSSE July-December 2022: Call for Papers
Last date to submit papers for IJSSE July-December 2022 issue: 15/9/2022
IJSSE July-December 2022 issue will be online on December 31, 2022
ERInt. January-December 2022: Call for Papers
Last date to submit papers for ERInt. January-December 2022 issue: 10/10/2022
ERInt. January-December 2022 issue will be online after December 15, 2022
Invitation for Applications
Last date to apply for post of Member Editorial Board/Reviewer/Assistant Editor: 31/12/2022
Recognizing the great significant power of a competent and efficient publishing policy, the SAVAP International has embarked on the launching of a journal addressed to the whole academia and researchers' community, in a belief that it will be of particular interest to young researchers at the beginning of their path as well as all those who are interested in humanities, social science, management sciences, natural and applied sciences, their achievements and prospects. Our main aim is to provide information on discoveries and phenomena that determine the rhythm of life in Asia and other regions of the globe.
The times we are now living in abound in important events and transformations that will be surely influencing the directions of global future development. Here again, the responsibility of academicians and researchers is to shape and promote attitudes for which the truth and human well-being are a primary value.
I hope that 'Academic Research International' will be well received by the research and academic community. I also believe that it will make an essential contribution to the popularization of research in world for peaceful globe.
Dr. M. Ashraf Malik,PhD, Founder Chairman
"SAVAP International" is an organization of visionary academicians and researchers. The purpose of the organization is to support research activities for advancement of knowledge in asia and other regions of the world.
Academic Research International (ARInt.) is an international, professional, peer reviewed journal. It is regularly published bimonthly in English by SAVAP International. It is a scholarly journal of opinion and research in academic research. Its mission is to provide an interdisciplinary forum for discussion and debate about academicians researches most vital issues.
It covers a wide range of topics of current concern in academicians' research in humanities, social sciences, managment sciences, natural and applied sciences. Each issue contains a variety of articles, essays, and book reviews.
We are interested in receiving well-written and timely papers from individuals for possible publication. The focus of the publication is original completed research that has application to academicians, researchers, policymakers, administrators, and teachers within the broad areas of academic research.
We invite you to conduct research activities and send to our journals " Academic Research International" , and " educational Research International". We believe it will give support to achieve the goal of peaceful globe.